5 Lifestyle Habits for Better Sleep

Do you have sleep issues? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you share these problems with many others. A startling one-third of American adults get less than seven hours of sleep a night, which is the recommended amount of sleep for an average person.

SLENT has several locations, in Slidell, Hammond, and Mandeville, Louisiana. Each one is staffed with otolaryngology specialists who can help with sleep problems like insomnia. We’ll diagnose what’s causing your issue, so you can finally get the rest you deserve.

Why good sleep is important

Your bodily rhythms can be thrown off by problematic sleep patterns, and result in you owing a “sleep debt.” Sleep debt accumulates fast, and can’t be easily paid off. Over time, the price you pay for poor sleep or missing sleep hours can cause serious problems, like:

Nine out of 10 people with insomnia have chronic issues related to their sleeplessness. By changing your lifestyle and seeking professional help, you may be able to get out of debt when it comes to sleep and start feeling more like yourself again.

5 lifestyle habits for better sleep

Following these tips can help you naturally regulate your sleeping habits, making you more energetic and alert during the day.

1. Early to bed, early to rise

Finding a waking time that works for you and sticking to it even on weekends and holidays will regulate your body and help it learn when to release the right chemicals to support wakefulness or sleep. Aim for a bedtime 16 hours from your waking time, to give you a solid eight hours of snooze time. 

2. Insulate your sleeping space

Make sure your sleeping area is free from distractions. Unplug televisions and other electronics that emit bright light from power buttons. Use light-blocking curtains if you work nights and sleep days, and install some sort of fan or noise machine for soothing ambient sound. 

3. Schedule your caffeine and food intake

Enjoy your last cup of joe no later than 4 pm, so it can clear your system before you head off to bed. Also try to eat no later than two to three hours before going to bed so your body has time to lower your blood sugar levels and begin the slow digestion process.

4. Hyperactivity is for mornings

If you have an exercise routine, schedule your workout for early in the day. Otherwise the excess adrenaline and endorphins can keep your body too wired to fall asleep. 

5. Don’t drown your sorrows before bed

Drinking alcohol may be how you prefer to relax after a hard day and can make you feel pleasantly drowsy. However, alcohol in your system while you’re sleeping will reduce healthy REM sleep. Have drinks with dinner for best results.

If you still have feelings of fatigue even after you balance your sleep schedule, the problem might be more serious. Insomnia can reduce sleep quantity, but a condition called sleep apnea affects sleep quality. If you have sleep apnea, you fall asleep, but your airway closes momentarily while you sleep. This causes a startle response that doesn’t wake you, but keeps you from ever falling deeply asleep.

To learn more about sleep apnea, or to ask about insomnia treatments, get in touch with the experts at SLENT by calling the office closest to you or by contacting us online

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