5 Signs that It's Time for a Hearing Evaluation

5 Signs that It's Time for a Hearing Evaluation

Aging and prolonged exposure to loud noises are the two biggest risk factors for hearing loss. If you’re finding it difficult to hear things clearly as time goes on, there’s a good chance that your hearing has already degraded. A specialist can test your hearing and recommend solutions. 

At SLENT, with locations in Mandeville, Slidell, and Hammond, Louisiana, our otolaryngology specialists can identify hearing loss, help you determine if it’s time for hearing aids, and guide you as you select the right type of hearing aids for you. 

5 signs you need your hearing evaluated

Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is the most common form of hearing loss. It occurs when the hair cells within your ear become too worn down to detect sound. When you’re young, these hairs are longer and more sensitive, allowing you to pick up a range of frequencies. 

After decades of wear, these hairs become less sensitive to vibrations in the air. The change is so gradual that you might not notice it at first, but the symptoms of SNHL will become obvious as your hearing worsens. Here are five signs to look out for. 

1. You’re constantly turning up the volume on everything 

Even if everyone else in the living room can hear the television, you struggle to understand dialogue and hear details of the sound design. Normal alarms fail to wake you and ringtones don’t catch your attention, so you have to make them louder and more obtrusive. 

2. You’re often accused of not paying attention 

People with perfect hearing often take it for granted. When you fail to hear someone speaking to you, they might assume that you’re ignoring them, not paying attention, or are just absentminded. In reality, you’re doing your best with the senses you have. 

3. You’re frequently misunderstanding what’s being said 

Our brain tends to fill in the gaps when it fails to hear an entire sentence. This leads to many misunderstandings for people with hearing loss. While some of these can be funny, others can make communication difficult or leave you feeling embarrassed.  

4. You’re having trouble following conversations 

Have you ever wished real life had captions? Poor hearing makes it difficult to focus on the topic and formulate replies, and asking people to repeat themselves can break the flow of conversation. This intensifies when multiple people are speaking at once. 

5. You struggle to hear other people in crowded places 

If you’re dreading going to restaurants or parties, or find trying to hold a conversation in a large group difficult because it’s impossible to make out what people are saying, there’s a good chance that your hearing is impaired. 

At SLENT, we recommend that adults undergo a hearing evaluation every three to five years until the age of sixty. Annual exams are recommended for older adults, frequent concertgoers, and those working in loud environments like construction or nightclubs. 

If your life has been significantly impacted by hearing loss, the team might recommend hearing aids. To learn more, schedule an evaluation at SLENT by calling the location closest to you, or visit the contact page for more information.

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