5 Ways to Prevent Sleep Apnea Complications

5 Ways to Prevent Sleep Apnea Complications

It’s thought that more than 25% of people between the ages of 30 and 70 have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), even though hundreds of thousands of people are completely unaware of their condition. Most cases of OSA can be easily diagnosed and treated by an ear, nose, and throat specialist (ENT).

At SLENT, with locations in Mandeville, Slidell, and Hammond, Louisiana, our otolaryngology specialists can help you gain a definitive diagnosis of sleep apnea and prevent complications from OSA.

Complications of untreated sleep apnea 

Some of the most common signs of sleep apnea include constant waking during the night, a dry mouth and/or sore throat, and daytime fatigue. Here’s what’s so worrisome about untreated OSA:

Mood changes

Are you usually easygoing, but your family and friends are starting to walk on eggshells around you? If you’re being snippy or irritable, it could be because your sleep apnea is preventing restful sleep, causing fluctuations in mood due to tiredness.

Relationship issues

Nobody likes a snorer. If you’re making so much noise that your significant other can’t sleep at night, romance and sexual interest can quickly wither and die. Treating OSA could literally save your relationship.

Mental exhaustion

Tiredness isn’t just physical — it can be mental as well. The dangerous thing about brain fog is that if you’re operating a vehicle or heavy machinery, you could easily nod off or lose track of what you’re doing, causing a serious accident or even a fatality.

Heightened health risks

Sleep apnea has been associated with a higher risk of heart problems, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and stroke. Getting checked out now could save your life, and give you a chance to get treatment for this common health issue.

5 ways to prevent sleep apnea complications

At SLENT, we start with Home Sleep Testing to gather data about your sleep cycles when you’re at home sleeping in your own bed. If the data show an issue, we look for the cause of the obstruction. From there, we may recommend one of the following options to resolve or minimize your sleep apnea and reduce the chances of complications from OSA:

  1. A custom-fitted oral appliance to adjust your jaw position while sleeping
  2. Removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy)
  3. Minor surgery to remove excess tissue in your throat 
  4. A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine
  5. Inspire, an implantable alternative to CPAP 

Want to learn more about OSA and your treatment options? Schedule a consultation at SLENT by calling 985-327-5905, or visit the contact page for more options.

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