Am I a Good Candidate for an Eye Lift?

Your eyes are the first thing people notice when they look at you for the first time, but they’re also one of the first things that begin to age as you get older. You’ll see wrinkles and crow’s feet appear, bags start to form, and even your eyelids can begin to droop. Fortunately, you can get an eye lift as one way to shave a few years off your apparent age!
SLENT has three locations, in Mandeville, Hammond, and Slidell, Louisiana. Our experienced surgeons can help you get the most out of plastic surgery. This includes cosmetic, reconstructive, and functional surgeries such as eye lifts, which remove droopy tissue from the eyes to improve your appearance and vision.
Eye lift basics
An eye lift, or blepharoplasty, refers to the surgical procedure that removes skin and fat from the eyelids. This prevents drooping and under-eye bags, which can age your face and make you look tired.
As you get older, the muscles supporting your eyelids begin to weaken, which causes the eyelids and surrounding skin to sag. This is a normal part of aging, but it can affect your peripheral vision as well as making you look older than you want. Many people seek out eye lifts to make themselves look younger, but this procedure comes with the added benefits of making you look more alert and improving your vision.
Good candidates for an eye lift
The ideal candidate for blepharoplasty is someone who doesn’t smoke and has no health conditions that might hinder the surgery or recovery. Beyond this, getting an eye lift is a completely personal choice.
There are plenty of people that age naturally and never receive plastic surgery. However, if you frequently find yourself distracted or upset by the sight of your eyes, an eye lift can help alleviate your stress around aging. Blepharoplasty can also benefit those whose excessive drooping affects their vision.
Recovery from an eye lift
Eye lifts are a relatively minor aesthetic surgery, so the recovery period is short. You’ll need a few days of rest after the procedure, and you can’t wear contact lenses for two weeks or more. Minor swelling, redness, and pain is normal, but your doctor will be sure to prescribe the correct medications to alleviate your discomfort.
Once you’ve healed, you’ll notice that the area surrounding your eyes is tighter and more youthful, and your eyes themselves appear more alert. An eye lift won’t completely smooth out your eyes, but it can be used in tandem with other treatments like Botox® and dermal fillers to conquer other wrinkles.
If you’re interested in blepharoplasty, a consultation with a professional can help you come to a decision that’s right for you. To get in contact with the surgeons at SLENT, call the location closest to you, or visit our contact page for more information.
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