Recovering from a Brow Lift: What to Expect

Recovering from a Brow Lift: What to Expect

Recovering from a brow lift is much easier than a full face lift, but it still requires a bit of downtime. You’ll need to prepare for the procedure, and it’ll take a little time for you to fully heal. However, as long as you keep the area clean and follow your provider’s guidelines during recovery, you’ll have a good chance of coming out the other side with stunning results. 

South Louisiana Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastics (SLENT) has locations in Mandeville, Slidell, and Hammond, Louisiana. Our skilled team can perform plastic surgery to improve your appearance, including brow lifts. 

When to consider a brow lift

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a cosmetic procedure that corrects sagging in the forehead and brows. By removing excess skin and tissue, your surgeon can make the area appear tighter and more youthful. 

If you’re unhappy with signs of aging or want to revise your appearance after an accident or illness, cosmetic surgery can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin. 

Brow lifts are often performed at the same time as other cosmetic procedures, particularly nose jobs (rhinoplasty) and eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty). At SLENT, we help patients decide how to achieve their aesthetic goals, whether that means a single procedure or multiple ones, either spaced out or in a single operation. 

Recovering from a brow lift

Before your brow lift, you’ll need to prepare a place to recover. Make sure you have plenty of pillows to keep your head elevated while resting, and buy plenty of ice or prepare ice trays in advance. You should keep cool compresses on hand; they’ll help soothe inflammation during the healing process. 

The actual procedure itself is relatively simple. Your surgeon provides anesthesia before making any incisions, then carefully lifts the brow skin up, trims away excess tissue and lifts the remaining tissue under your brow before settling the skin back in place, removing any excess, and securing the incision area with small sutures. 

Most people are able to return home on the same day as their brow lift, though you’ll need to arrange a ride. Some itching, swelling, and tenderness is to be expected after surgery. Your surgeon will recommend ointments, anti-inflammatories, and other medications, and applying ice packs to the area can help as well. 

You should be able to return to work within 10 days, though most patients take a full two weeks downtime before resuming their routine. Don’t scratch or pick at the stitches or incisions, and avoid heavy lifting and exercise until your surgical site has healed. This will help you heal faster and minimize scarring. 

Considering cosmetic surgery? The team at SLENT can help you learn more about brow lifts and other procedures. Schedule a consultation by calling the location closest to you, or visit the contact page for more information.

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