Blog Archive
It’s estimated that around 30 million American adults have OSA, but only around six million have received a diagnosis — meaning 80% remain undiagnosed (and often unaware completely) and at risk for symptoms ranging from mild to severe. At SLENT, with locations in Mandeville, Slidell, and Hammond, Louisiana, our otolaryngology...
Hair loss isn’t just about the physical thinning of hair and exposure of the scalp. It can also have serious psychological downsides for both men and women. If you’re starting to see evidence of thinning hair, you’re probably wondering what you can do about it. At SLENT, with offices in...
There’s a reason ear, nose, and throat doctors are called just that. Your ears, nose, and throat are all part of the otolaryngeal, or upper respiratory, system, connected by canals and mucus-producing tissues. Inflammation in one area can easily lead to inflammation in another. At SLENT, with locations in Mandeville,...
You don’t have to endure surgery or invasive procedures to tighten skin and smooth your face. In fact, sometimes less is more. If you want to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles before the holiday season, now is the time to begin planning minor cosmetic procedures like injectables....
Aging and prolonged exposure to loud noises are the two biggest risk factors for hearing loss. If you’re finding it difficult to hear things clearly as time goes on, there’s a good chance that your hearing has already degraded. A specialist can test your hearing and recommend solutions. At SLENT,...
It’s thought that more than 25% of people between the ages of 30 and 70 have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), even though hundreds of thousands of people are completely unaware of their condition. Most cases of OSA can be easily diagnosed and treated by an ear, nose, and throat specialist...
Recovering from a brow lift is much easier than a full face lift, but it still requires a bit of downtime. You’ll need to prepare for the procedure, and it’ll take a little time for you to fully heal. However, as long as you keep the area clean and follow...
Tonsils are part of your body’s lymphatic system and help your body fight off infections. Unfortunately, this means they’re also on the front lines when bacteria or a virus comes calling, and they can become seriously inflamed or even infected. So how do you know when you need a tonsillectomy? ...
While there’s a chance that an untreated ear infection will clear up on its own, there’s also a chance that things can quickly go south, and your hearing could be put at risk if you ignore it. Getting an ear infection checked out sooner rather than later is always your...
There’s no reason an entire season should be spoiled by certain types of pollen. Many people dread summertime due to their allergy symptoms, but avoidance measures and antihistamines are only one part of allergy management. With the help of a specialist, you can identify exactly what’s causing the reaction and...
One restless night is exhausting enough. If you feel fatigued every day, there’s a good chance your quality of sleep is lacking somehow. This can lead to symptoms during your waking hours, from brain fog to irritability. The longer you go without proper sleep, the more stressed your body becomes. ...
Chin implants are more popular than you might think. A small or recessed chin can leave much to be desired when it comes to making an imposing first appearance. Men and women alike seek out chin augmentation in hopes of strengthening their features. If you feel that your chin is...
If you’re getting ready for a tonsillectomy, you might be wondering what to expect and how to ensure a smooth recovery. While a tonsillectomy doesn’t require much downtime, you’ll definitely deserve some special treatment and attention afterward. Whether you live alone or have someone to look after you, here’s how...
A degree of hearing loss is expected as you age, but deafness does not have to be inevitable. Many people make the switch to hearing aids as they notice their range of auditory perception is narrow. If you suspect that your hearing loss has progressed to the point that intervention...
It seems that anti-aging treatments are being advertised everywhere you look, but very few topical solutions provide the results you’re looking for. To truly wind back the clock, it might be time to consider minimally invasive options like Botox® injections. At SLENT, with locations in Mandeville, Slidell, and Hammond, Louisiana,...
Ear infections are one of the hardest things to see your kid go through. Somehow, they always seem to hit hardest after office hours or on the weekend, when your doctor’s office is closed. Why do kids get ear infections so much more frequently than adults, and how can you...
Restful sleep is one of our most basic needs, yet many can’t get through the night without waking repeatedly. Snoring, fatigue, and frequent trips to the bathroom are just scratching the surface of how sleep apnea affects your life. At SLENT, with locations in Mandeville, Slidell, and Hammond, Louisiana, our...
For some, allergies are a seasonal occurrence that cause a bit of congestion. For others, it’s a constant uphill battle to control their symptoms, and side effects of medications like antihistamines only add to the problem. If your allergy triggers are strong and hard to avoid, it might be wise...
If your severely painful sore throat is accompanied by inflamed tonsils, it might be due to a peritonsillar abscess. Left untreated, these painful pus-filled blisters can lead to increased symptoms and a worsening infection. To find relief and prevent complications, you might require drainage and antibiotics, or even a tonsillectomy. SLENT,...
If you’re waking throughout the night, it’s likely that you’re not getting restful sleep, and neither is anyone sharing your bed. While some cases of nocturia are caused by medications or bad habits like drinking soda or coffee before bed, others might be caused by an underlying condition. With the...
People grit their teeth and bear pain for the sake of their appearance all the time, whether it’s through waxing, microneedling, or other unpleasant procedures. BotoxⓇ and dermal fillers both require injections, but if you’re sensitive to pain or dislike needles, the team at SLENT can make accommodations for you. ...
Hearing loss can happen suddenly as a result of trauma or toxicity, or slowly, as a result of repeated exposure to loud or intrusive noise. Knowing how to reduce your risk of hearing loss can help you protect one of your most important senses. At SLENT (South Louisiana Ear, Nose, Throat &...
As part of the lymphatic system, the tonsils are one of your first lines of defense against pathogens. However, this also makes them prone to infection. While an acute case can be cleared up with rest or antibiotics, if your throat problems are persistent or recurring, it might be time...
If your eyelids are interfering with your vision, surgical removal of the excess skin and tissue can solve the problem permanently. This procedure is called a blepharoplasty, or an “eye lift.” While relatively minor, this surgery does alter your facial features, so it’s important that you choose an experienced surgeon...
One out of three American adults say they routinely get less than seven hours of sleep a night, even though seven hours is the minimum amount recommended for a healthy adult. What’s causing your sleep difficulties? SLENT has several locations, in Slidell, Hammond, and Mandeville, Louisiana. Each one is staffed with otolaryngology specialists who...
Sleep apnea can be a terrible burden. In addition to strained relationships due to snoring and snorting all night, lack of real sleep can leave you dazed and confused in waking hours, unable to make clear decisions or do things like drive safely. At SLENT, with locations in Mandeville, Slidell,...
Hearing loss can make it difficult to carry on conversations, socialize, enjoy music or films, and more. Hearing aids can help alleviate those problems, improving your social life by making it easier to communicate and fit in with your peer group. Aids can even play a part in supporting mental...
Hair loss can be a deeply personal issue, affecting your self-image, self-confidence, and self-esteem. If this is happening to you, don’t hesitate; reach out to experts who can help you get your hair back with a safe, effective hair transplant solution. SLENT has several locations, in Slidell, Hammond, and Mandeville,...
An allergen can strike at any time, in a food, in the air, on a pet’s skin, or through contact with a plant. Allergic reactions can range from a mild sensitivity that shows up as a rash or a cold-like symptom; or severe, like full body hives or even anaphylactic...
Gone are the days when children routinely had their tonsils removed if they had recurring sore throats. Today’s approach is more conservative, with tonsillectomy reserved for severe and chronic cases of tonsil inflammation. . South Louisiana Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastics (SLENT) has multiple locations in Mandeville, Slidell, and...
It’s estimated that between 10-30% of adults live with chronic insomnia. While this may seem like no big deal, or something that could be resolved easily by just taking a sleep aid, it’s actually a public health issue. SLENT, or South Louisiana Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastics, has locations in Mandeville,...
Cosmetic surgery is usually done for aesthetic reasons. Maybe you want your cheekbones to be a little sharper, your jaw a little squarer, your breasts a little larger, or your nose a little straighter. Plastic surgeons do more than vanity work, however. SLENT, or South Louisiana Ear, Nose, Throat &...
Suffering from chronic sinusitis? If you can’t get through a season without something triggering a sinus infection, it’s time to get proactive. Surgical intervention can often resolve the core cause of sinusitis and give you lasting relief. SLENT, or South Louisiana Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastics, has multiple locations throughout...
Many people go years without realizing they suffer from sleep apnea, but recognizing the symptoms is the first step to finding a solution. It can take time to diagnose exactly what’s causing your sleep apnea, but the right treatment can help you get some quality sleep. SLENT (South Louisiana Ear, Nose,...
An experienced practitioner can work magic with Botox®, smoothing dynamic wrinkles away, but it doesn’t last forever. If you want to maintain the look, you’ll need to make regularly scheduled appointments. SLENT, or South Louisiana Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastics, has locations in Mandeville, Hammond, and Slidell, Louisiana. We...
Around 35 million men and 21 million women suffer from hair loss at any given time. As aging progresses, the gap between men and women closes. Hair loss can be an extremely sensitive topic, and most people experiencing it wish they could find a solution. At SLENT, with offices in Slidell, Hammond, and...
There are plenty of skin tightening treatments out there, but the face lift will always be the gold standard. If you have deep, static wrinkles caused by volume loss and gravity, a face lift can provide long-lasting, noticeable results in a single procedure. SLENT, or South Louisiana Ear, Nose, Throat...
Do you or your child have frequent or severe ear infections? Are you concerned that ear infections can lead to hearing loss? Find out when you should be worried about potential loss of hearing due to ear infections, and what can be done to reduce the frequency and severity of...
Tonsillitis is a relatively common upper respiratory illness, and a single instance might not be cause for concern. However, recurrent infection of the tonsils might indicate that removal is necessary. If you have a history of tonsillitis, or your infection isn’t responding to traditional treatment, your doctor might recommend a...
Insomnia can occur in isolation, but more often than not, it comes paired with other conditions — termed comorbid conditions. One such comorbidity is restless legs syndrome (RLS), which causes uncomfortable sensations in your legs while resting or trying to fall asleep. This discomfort and lack of sleep can have...
Allergic reactions can come on suddenly and range from mild skin rash or stomach upset to dangerous shortness of breath. Fortunately, we can treat both symptoms and the root cause of allergies to make your life safer and more pleasant even if you do get exposed to an allergen. SLENT...
Continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, is the first line of treatment for sleep apnea. A machine that sends airflow through a mask and prevents your throat muscles from relaxing completely while you sleep can help solve issues for sleep apnea sufferers. However, many people give up on treatment quickly...
Getting a rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons is nothing to be ashamed of, but there are many medical reasons someone might seek out a nose job. Birth defects, sinus issues, and even facial trauma from accidents can lead to damage and sinus problems. In these cases, a rhinoplasty can provide more...
Late nights can be fun if you’re socializing with friends, having a party, or just enjoying your alone time. However, if you spend your midnight hours tossing, turning, and trying to fall asleep, you might be an insomniac. This is a common problem among people of all ages, including teenagers,...
Cosmetic treatments such as Botox® and other injectables can be expensive, but visiting a discount spa can be risky — you get what you pay for. If you’re cutting corners on cost, there’s a good chance you’re cutting corners on quality as well. That’s why it’s important you choose an...
Lasers are quickly becoming one of the most popular methods of hair removal, especially among women. However, just like shaving and waxing, you need to take care of your skin after receiving this treatment. While laser hair removal requires no recovery period, it’s important to be aware of the side...
Many different illnesses begin as a simple sore throat, but quickly develop into something more serious. In some cases, the issue can worsen even further, leading to painful complications like abscesses. If your tonsillitis has intensified into severe throat pain, trouble talking or swallowing, and noticeable swelling, there might be...
Many people see plastic surgery as an avenue for aesthetic beauty and self-confidence. However, plenty of people seek out plastic surgery to heal from trauma or defects. If your facial structure and appearance have been damaged during an accident or attack, it can be equally damaging to your self-esteem and...
Hearing aids provide more than just sound. They can help people connect with the world, fit in with peers, and even improve their mental health and prevent dementia. If your or a loved one is suffering from hearing loss, you might feel lost while browsing the wide variety of hearing...
No one likes to be told their resting expression looks tired, angry, or sad. However, your brows naturally shift down as you age. While a skincare routine and sunscreen can help you avoid wrinkles, a brow lift might be necessary to correct a low brow, sagging forehead, or uneven eyebrows. ...
Sinus infections that happen over and over can be annoying and degrade your quality of life. While home remedies and over-the-counter medications can dull your pain and mask your symptoms, recurring infections are a sign that something more serious is going on. If you’re one of the many people suffering...
Many people remember being warned balefully: ‘Be careful when cleaning your ears, or you’ll lose your hearing!’ Is this real, or is it just another old wive’s tale, like your face freezing in a grimace if the wind changes when you’re pulling a goofy smile? South Louisiana Ear, Nose, Throat...
Contrary to popular belief, tonsillitis can occur at any age. While many children used to get their tonsils removed after a bout of illness, today just as many retain their tonsils well into adulthood. Your tonsils don’t need to be removed the first time they get infected, but your doctor...
Your eyes are the first thing people notice when they look at you for the first time, but they’re also one of the first things that begin to age as you get older. You’ll see wrinkles and crow’s feet appear, bags start to form, and even your eyelids can begin...
Do you have sleep issues? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you share these problems with many others. A startling one-third of American adults get less than seven hours of sleep a night, which is the recommended amount of sleep for an average person. SLENT has several...
If you’re dealing with “head cold” symptoms that just aren’t going away, or persistent “allergies” that aren’t responding to antihistamines, you might be treating the wrong problem. Sinusitis can cause similar symptoms, but it requires more than Benadryl and bedrest. If you’re struggling to determine whether your stuffy, runny nose...
Do you wake up after a full night’s sleep and find yourself still tired? Is heavy snoring disrupting your bed partner? Do you wake up gasping for air? Do you have memory or concentration issues? If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you may be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea...
Your portrait, or front-facing appearance, is more affected by your ears than you might think. Large or flared ears can make your face seem wide, or give you a comical appearance. Extremely small ears can make your skull look oversized. Ear surgery, or otoplasty, can change the shape and position...
A deviated septum (misalignment of the cartilage that forms the nasal passages) can be visible or invisible, and can cause a host of problems from pain to breathing difficulty. Around 80% of people are estimated to have some measure of septum deviation. Only the most serious cases usually require surgical...
Is hair loss causing you to lose self-confidence? Men with male pattern baldness can start losing hair at their temples before the age of 21, and nearly half of US males have moderate-to-extreme hair loss before the age of 50. Fortunately, there’s a medication that can help address hair loss...
Are your new hearing aids throwing you for a loop? Adjusting to having your hearing improve suddenly after a slow slide into hearing loss can be disconcerting. Take heart; you’ll adjust soon enough and love how you’re able to reconnect with the world around you once again. At SLENT, with...
You’re thinking of getting a nose job, but you’re afraid you’ll end up with a fake-looking nose that looks worse than the one you’ve replaced. Don’t worry. The team of doctors at South Louisiana Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastics (SLENT) knows how to give you a natural-looking nose job...
A monthly facial is beneficial for just about anyone because your skin cells turn over every 28 days. But are all facials created equally, and do they offer the same benefits? The short answer to that question is an emphatic “No!” There’s one facial that stands out among the crowd:...
Allergies rank as the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the United States, affecting more than 50 million Americans. Because the prevalence of allergies is also constantly on the rise, an ever-increasing number of people can expect to develop them with each passing year. Here at South Louisiana Ear,...
Year after year skin has become an important topic with new trends. As technology advances, the demand for newer and better products increases, year after year. We have stated this in previous blogs. Both the plastic surgeons and the companies producing new products cannot ignore this demand. 2019 will be no...
It sounds like you might have allergies that are causing nasal congestion. Or it could be viral colds or other environmental irritants. Is it possible to try home remedies first before going to the doctors' office? Yes! Let us look at a few safe home remedies. Hydration: This is not...
We are excited to announce an award for Dr. Connolly here at SLENT. The award is from the St. Tammany Quality Network and is quoted below. Congratulations Dr. Connolly! “St. Tammany Quality Network presented the 2019 first quarter Medical Director Award to James for his assistance in the...
Have you ever awakened from a good sleep to a stuffed nose or runny nose? How miserable is a blocked stuffy nose? How lucky are those individuals that do not ever sustain a postnasal drip, sinusitis, allergies, rhinitis, deviated septum… “But wait a second…What are you talking about?” Oh, I...
The term GOITER is simply an enlargement of your thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is at the base of your neck right below the Adam’s Apple. It is butterfly-shaped and surrounds the trachea/esophagus. Goiters are mostly unnoticed by people and sometimes caught accidentally during other routine visits to your primary...
Have you ever had this persistent cough that just won’t go away? And with that an excessive clearing of the throat? Has your significant other ever asked you why your voice has been hoarse lately and this persistent cough and clearing of the throat is waking up the newborn baby...
What is Earwax? Cerumen is the medical term for simple earwax. All species in the mammalian kingdom produce earwax. Why? Because it functions as a lubricant, protection of ear canal from bacteria, fungus or even insects. Earwax even protects against water. The earwax substance is hydrophobic (water repel)and is continuously produced. Earwax...
“February is American Heart Month. Did you know that untreated sleep apnea is associated with high blood pressure, heart failure, arrhythmia, and even stroke! Check out this article from our clinic #Heart.Org for more info. #SLENT #HeartHealth #Snoring #OSA” —-Jon Sorrel, MD ENT Specialist at SLENT. Yes, sleep...
The inside of your nose has a lining that contains thousands of microscopic blood vessels that are very close to the surface. These potentially can be and are easily damaged. There are two common types of nosebleeds: Dry air —You would not think this is possible but when your nasal lining...
On Thursday, May 19, 2016, SLENT became ‘official’ when we cut our ribbon! Dr. Guillot helping Jack officially cut the SLENT ribbon while Dr. Connolly and Olivia cheer them on! SLENT Family Portrait! Dr. Jason and Betty Guillot with children Jack and Ann, Dr. James and Jessica Connolly with children...
How common is Sleep Apnea? Over 40 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder, and 20 million suffer from OSA. Despite the high prevalence, 93% of women and 82% of men with moderate to severe OSA remain undiagnosed. In a community-based study, men were found to be 2 times more likely...